What we do?
The Shahid Hussain Foundation was setup in 2016 to lend support to institutions providing education and/or healthcare services for the under-privileged members of Lahore’s community.
Through our scholarships, research grants, donations and technical assistance, we wish to do our bit in reducing inequity and helping people thrive. Our goal is to build a healthy and safe community in this historic city and create a space where all lives have equal worth, where people can enjoy access healthcare and live meaningful lives in an environment of safety, security, health, and learning.
To do all this, we make a concerted effort to develop partnerships with organizations that share our interests, and encourage research, debate, and discussion in health-related field of learning.
The Hussain family entrenches within the Foundation the belief in equal opportunities for all, and the encompassing ethos of sharing resources with the community.
Our Efforts:
Over the years, the Foundation (and before this, the individuals of the family), has made contributions for institutional support of the following:
- National Management Foundation
- National Outreach Program (NOP), LUMS
- Support to the Elderly
- Primary Schools
- Begum Rashida Cardiac Centre
- Shalamar Institute of Health Science
- Public Health Research Grant 2018
- Sports and Well-being