Dr. Saleem Pervaiz Iqbal (SIHS), Dr. Luqman Farrukh Nagi (SMDC) and Dr. Farkhanda Ghafoor (SMDC)
Obesity is a global health problem affecting more than 1.7 billion people worldwide. It is associated with many cardiometabolic risks, including diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Evidence suggests that the proportion of people affected by obesity is rising, especially in Asian countries, including Pakistan. The prevalence of obesity and its associated metabolic abnormalities is high, as reported in literature. However, studies indicate that not all obese individuals progress to metabolic complications; a phenomenon termed as “metabolically healthy obesity (obesity without metabolic syndrome).” This has gained much attention in the recent years, especially as reports indicate that subjects with this condition have a lower risk of cardiometabolic diseases compared to their unhealthy counterparts.
This research seeks to estimate the prevalence of MHO and MetS in a semi-urban community of Lahore, Pakistan. About 500 subjects will be recruited and interviewed regarding their lifestyle factors. Additionally, fasting blood samples will be drawn and assessed for various laboratory parameters and association studied with MHO and MetS.
We believe the research will provide deeper insight to the metabolic abnormalities affecting the people in a semi-urban community. Moreover, it will allow stakeholders to take measures to contain these syndromes and minimize its subsequent complications among the population.